- Wine expert, wine journalist, promoter, member of Supervisory board of the Winemakers and Winegrowers Union of Russia, brand-ambassador of Gambero Rosso in Russia, teacher at the sommelier school “WinePeople”
- Judge of the international tasting competitions
- Contributor in Art in Wine, Napitki (Drinks), Enoteca, Forbes, Jets, Robb Report, Top Flight, Vine, Vinnaya Karta (Wine Card) and internet-portals: winepages.ru, gazeta.ru, jets.ru etc.
- Chief editor of the wine “Guide of the Russian consumer 2011” and “Guide of the Russian consumer 2012”
- Laureate of “Sue Eccelenza Italia 2012” by Gambero Rosso and “Foglio d’Oro 2012”